Articles Tagged with Worden Capital

shutterstock_135103109-300x200According to BrokerCheck records kept by The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) broker David Weisberg (Weisberg), formerly associated with Worden Capital Management LLC (Worden Capital), has been subject to at least four customer complaints and one regulatory action during his career.  Several of those complaints against Weisberg concern allegations of unauthorized trading activity and the regulatory action includes allegations of excessive trading also referred to as churning among other securities laws violations.

In April 2020 FINRA filed a regulatory action finding that Weisberg consented to sanctions and findings that he engaged in excessive and unsuitable trading in the account of an elderly customer. FINRA found that Weisberg began soliciting stock trades and some of Weisberg’s recommendations involved in-and-out trading and many of them used margin. FINRA determined that the customer relied on Weisberg’s advice and in virtually every case the customer purchased or sold exactly the quantity of shares that Weisberg suggested. FINRA found that the costs of Weisberg’s trading in the customer’s account were significant and Weisberg did not track the trading costs or take them into consideration when making recommendations. FINRA found that the trading generated commissions of approximately $75,638 while the customer lost approximately $55,627. Finally, FINRA also found that Weisberg used discretion to initiate stock trades in customers’ accounts without written authorization and his member firm who never accepted the accounts for discretionary trading.

In July 2019 a customer complained that Weisberg violated the securities laws by alleging that Weisberg engaged in sales practice violations related to negligence, unsuitability, breach of fiduciary duty, breach of contract, negligent misrepresentation and omissions. The claim is alleges $21,579 and is currently pending.

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shutterstock_36343294-300x225According to BrokerCheck records kept by The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Worden Capital Management LLC (Worden Capital) broker Michael Rosalia (Rosalia) has been subject to six disclosed customer complaints, eight tax liens or judgements, and two financial disclosures including bankruptcy.  Many of the customer complaints against Rosalia allege churning or excessive trading.

In June 2013 Rosalia declared bankruptcy.  Such disclosures on a broker’s record can reveal a financial incentive for the broker to recommend high commission products or services.  FINRA discloses information concerning a broker’s financial condition because a broker’s inability to handle their own personal finances has also been found to be material information in helping investors determine if they should allow the broker to handle their finances.

In May 2018 a customer filed a complaint alleging Rosalia engaged in churning, improper use of margin, unsuitability and high commissions.  The complaint alleged $503,828 in damages and has been settled.

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shutterstock_184430498The securities fraud lawyers of Gana Weinstein LLP are investigating customer complaints filed with The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority’s (FINRA) against broker Sean McCabe (McCabe).  According to BrokerCheck records McCabe has been the subject of at least four customer complaints.  The customer complaints against McCabe allege a number of securities law violations including that the broker made unsuitable investments, unauthorized trading, and churning (excessive trading) among other claims.

The most recent complaint was filed in March 2016 and alleged breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, misrepresentation, and negligence causing $550,000 in damages.  The complaint is currently pending.  Also in March 2016 another investor filed a similar complaint and alleged breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, misrepresentation, and negligence causing $150,000 in damages.  The complaint is currently pending

When brokers engage in excessive trading, sometimes referred to as churning, the broker will typical trade in and out of securities, sometimes even the same stock, many times over a short period of time.  Often times the account will completely “turnover” every month with different securities.  This type of investment trading activity in the client’s account serves no reasonable purpose for the investor and is engaged in only to profit the broker through the generation of commissions created by the trades.  Churning is considered a species of securities fraud.  The elements of the claim are excessive transactions of securities, broker control over the account, and intent to defraud the investor by obtaining unlawful commissions.  A similar claim, excessive trading, under FINRA’s suitability rule involves just the first two elements.  Certain commonly used measures and ratios used to determine churning help evaluate a churning claim.  These ratios look at how frequently the account is turned over plus whether or not the expenses incurred in the account made it unreasonable that the investor could reasonably profit from the activity.

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