Articles Tagged with Thomas Buck

shutterstock_127357511Our firm has been tracking the developments related to Thomas Buck’s termination from Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (Merrill Lynch), now known as Bank of America, NA (Bank of America) under highly unusual circumstances.  (See Top Merrill Lynch Broker Thomas Buck Terminated Under Unusual Circumstances; Update On Broker Thomas Buck Investigation).  Now, according to records kept by FINRA, Buck has accepted a bar from the securities industry.

Buck’s downfall played out quickly.  Buck was terminated from Merrill Lynch on March 6, 2015, shocking colleagues.  At the time of his termination there was only one customer complaint against Buck steaming from a dispute in 2006.  Now, over the past four months customers have filed 11 additional complaints against him.  All of the complaints have similar allegations against Buck in that the customers allege that during a time period Buck engage in unauthorized trades in corporate debt and equities. Several of the complaints allege excessive trading and misrepresentations.

Buck’s team managed nearly $1.5 billion in investor assets and was one of the Merrill Lynch’s largest producers.  According to FINRA, Buck engaged in misrepresentations and other misconduct in the handling of customer accounts.  FINRA alleged that beginning by at least 2009, Buck used unethical and improper business practices to generate increased commissions and enhance his status as a top-producing broker.  According to FINRA, Buck held customer assets in commission-based accounts instead of fee-based accounts for the sole purpose of generating higher revenues even though he knew that some customers would have paid substantially lower fees by using fee-based accounts.  In fact, FINRA goes on to allege that Buck misled customers about the relative costs of fee-based or commission-based trading for their accounts.  In addition to these claims FINRA alleged that Buck exercised discretion in customer accounts without written or oral authorization, and made unauthorized trades in certain accounts.

shutterstock_61142644As we previously reported, (See Top Merrill Lynch Broker Thomas Buck Terminated Under Unusual Circumstances) news sources have been investigating the termination of financial advisor Thomas Buck (Buck) and his daughter Ann Buck by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (Merrill Lynch), now known as Bank of America, NA (Bank of America) under circumstances that some would consider unusual.

Buck’s team managed nearly $1.5 billion in investor assets, was one of the company’s largest producers, and has been associated with Merrill Lynch since. Despite all these factors that would likely lead Merrill Lynch to continue to wish employ Buck, allegations were made that Buck executed unauthorized trades in client accounts.

Buck’s termination happened on March 6, 2015, and shocked colleagues. One person was quoted in news articles foreshadowed additional developments saying “There is a lot more out there. I think it’s a little bit of heavy-handedness on Merrill’s part. Tom was shocked.”

shutterstock_180968000According to news sources, Thomas Buck (Buck) and his daughter Ann Buck, were recently terminated by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (Merrill Lynch), now known as Bank of America, NA (Bank of America) under unusual circumstances. Buck’s team managed nearly $1.5 billion in investor assets at the time. Buck has been associated with Merrill Lynch since 1982 according to Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) records and became one of the company’s largest producers.

According to news sources, Buck was terminated for allegedly making unauthorized trades in client accounts. Advisors are not allowed to engage in unauthorized trading. Such trading occurs when a broker sells securities without the prior authority from the investor. The broker must first discuss all trades with the investor before executing them under NYSE Rule 408(a) and FINRA Rules 2510(b).  These rules explicitly prohibit brokers from making discretionary trades in a customers’ non-discretionary accounts. The SEC has also found that unauthorized trading to be fraudulent nature.

The termination occurred on March 6, 2015, and stunned the firm’s other employees because the termination appeared out of the blue and without explanation leading to rumors. One person was quoted in the news saying “There is a lot more out there. I think it’s a little bit of heavy-handedness on Merrill’s part. Tom was shocked.”

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