Articles Tagged with Oil and Gas

shutterstock_128655458The investment attorneys with Gana Weinstein LLP continue to report on investor related losses in oil and gas and commodities related investments. Investors may have potential legal remedies due to unsuitable recommendations by their broker to invest in this speculative and volatile area. Targa Resource Partners LP (Ticker Symbol: NGLS) is a Master Limited Partnership (MLP). About 86% of the total MLP securities market, a $490 billion sector, can be attributed to energy and natural resource companies. Targa Resource Partners LP has declined 68.1% in value from its 52-week high and is trading at only $16.08 a share. Targa Resource Partners LP business focuses in the natural gas midstream sector.

In a recent Associated Press article, common stories of how investors are pitched by their financial advisors on oil and gas private placements were reported on. Often times these products are pitched as ways to ride the boom in U.S. oil and gas production and receive steady streams of income.

In the past year, investors have lost $20 billion in publicly traded in master limited partnerships, publicly traded oil funds. This amounts to an astonishing $8 of every $10 they had invested, according to a report prepared for The Associated Press article. The research does not include losses from $37 billion of bonds sold by the partnerships in the five years since 2010 or losses from private placement partnerships. However, banks like Citigroup, Barclays, and Wells Fargo made an estimated $1.1 billion in fees for selling these products to investors.

shutterstock_1832895The investment attorneys with Gana Weinstein LLP continue to report on investor related losses in oil and gas and commodities related investments. Investors may have potential legal remedies due to unsuitable recommendations by their broker to invest in this speculative and volatile area. Teekay LNG Partners (Ticker Symbol: TGP) is a Master Limited Partnership (MLP). Teekay LNG Partners has declined 68.2% in value from its 52-week high and is trading at only $13.79 a share. Teekay LNG Partners business focuses in the liquid natural gas shipping sector.

In a recent Associated Press article, common stories of how investors are pitched by their financial advisors on oil and gas private placements were reported on. Often times these products are pitched as ways to ride the boom in U.S. oil and gas production and receive steady streams of income.

About 86% of the total MLP securities market, a $490 billion sector, can be attributed to energy and natural resource companies. In the past year, investors have lost $20 billion in publicly traded in master limited partnerships, publicly traded oil funds. This amounts to an astonishing $8 of every $10 they had invested, according to a report prepared for The Associated Press article. The research does not include losses from $37 billion of bonds sold by the partnerships in the five years since 2010 or losses from private placement partnerships. However, banks like Citigroup, Barclays, and Wells Fargo made an estimated $1.1 billion in fees for selling these products to investors.

shutterstock_177577832The investment attorneys with Gana Weinstein LLP continue to report on investor related losses in oil and gas and commodities related investments. Investors may have potential legal remedies due to unsuitable recommendations by their broker to invest in this speculative and volatile area. Rose Rock Midstream (Ticker Symbol: RRMS) is a Master Limited Partnership (MLP). Rose Rock Midstream has declined 69% in value from its 52-week high and is trading at only $16.74 a share. Rose Rock Midstream business focuses in the oil pipelines and storage sector.

About 86% of the total MLP securities market, a $490 billion sector, can be attributed to energy and natural resource companies. According to Bloomberg, many oil companies are in trouble and are going bankrupt as U.S. high-yield debt issued to junk-rated energy companies grew four-fold to $208 billion. The bankruptcies have been devastating causing forced selling at fire sale prices. For example, Dune Energy had reserves valued at more than $1 billion but sold those oil fields for only $19 million. The situation is only getting worse with lenders running out of options to put off debts. Most of these companies are now struggling to stay afloat with oil prices at $45.

Oil and gas and commodities related investments have been recommended by brokers under the assumption that commodities prices would continue to go up. Some experts are saying that if production volume continues to be as high as it currently is and demand growth weak that the return to $100 a barrel is years away.

shutterstock_123758422The investment attorneys with Gana Weinstein LLP continue to report on investor related losses in oil and gas and commodities related investments. Investors may have potential legal remedies due to unsuitable recommendations by their broker to invest in this speculative and volatile area. Crestwood Equity Partners (Ticker Symbol: CEOP) is a Master Limited Partnership (MLP). Crestwood Equity Partners has declined 75.6% in value from its 52-week high and is trading at only $20.62 a share. Crestwood Equity Partners business focuses in the natural gas midstream sector.

About 86% of the total MLP securities market, a $490 billion sector, can be attributed to energy and natural resource companies. According to Bloomberg, many oil companies are in trouble and are going bankrupt as U.S. high-yield debt issued to junk-rated energy companies grew four-fold to $208 billion. The bankruptcies have been devastating causing forced selling at fire sale prices. For example, Dune Energy had reserves valued at more than $1 billion but sold those oil fields for only $19 million. The situation is only getting worse with lenders running out of options to put off debts. Most of these companies are now struggling to stay afloat with oil prices at $45.

Oil and gas and commodities related investments have been recommended by brokers under the assumption that commodities prices would continue to go up. Some experts are saying that if production volume continues to be as high as it currently is and demand growth weak that the return to $100 a barrel is years away.

shutterstock_183554579The investment attorneys with Gana Weinstein LLP continue to report on investor related losses in oil and gas and commodities related investments. Investors may have potential legal remedies due to unsuitable recommendations by their broker to invest in this speculative and volatile area. Teekay Offshore Partners LP (Ticker Symbol: TOO) is a Master Limited Partnership (MLP). Teekay Offshore has declined 76% in value from its 52-week high and is trading at only $6.5 a share. Teekay Offshore business focuses in the shuttle tanker sector.

About 86% of the total MLP securities market, a $490 billion sector, can be attributed to energy and natural resource companies. According to Bloomberg, many oil companies are in trouble as U.S. high-yield debt issued to junk-rated energy companies grew four-fold to $208 billion. Most of these companies are now struggling to stay afloat with oil prices at $45. Many of these companies relied upon high energy prices in order to sustain their operations. As reported by the Wall Street Journal the drop in oil and energy prices and the industry downturn has made it difficult for many companies to refinance their debts.

However, brokers that have recommended MLPs to investors may have made unsuitable recommendations based upon the yields of these investments rather than the risk to principal. Over the past year MLPs have been hammered due to weaknesses in oil and gas and commodities markets.

shutterstock_93851422The law offices of Gana Weinstein LLP continue to report on investor related losses and potential legal remedies due to unsuitable recommendations to investor in oil and gas and commodities related investments. Legacy Reserves LP (Ticker Symbol: LGCY) is a Master Limited Partnership (MLP). Legacy Reserves LP has declined 90.2% in value from its 52-week high and is trading at only $1.52 a share. Legacy Reserves business focuses in the oil and gas production sector.

About 86% of the total MLP securities market, a $490 billion sector, can be attributed to energy and natural resource companies. Since January 2013, over 30 new MLPs have entered the market. During 2014, 11 oil and gas MLP offerings generated proceeds of $5.1 billion. In recent years these investments have boomed and profited from the low interest rate environment coupled with favorable oil prices. These investments are often pitched to investors as generating income from consistent cash flow streams. In addition, these investments may also be pitched as growth opportunities from companies looking to grow their businesses and increase their distributions.

However, brokers that have recommended MLPs to investors may have made unsuitable recommendations based upon the yields of these investments rather than the risk to principal. Over the past year MLPs have been hammered due to weaknesses in oil and gas and commodities markets.

According to Bloomberg, Hercules Offshore Inc., (Hercules Offshore) is the owner of the largest fleet of shallow-water drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico when it filed for bankruptcy in August 2015. Debt issues by Hercules Offshore and drilling rig provider Paragon Offshore were among the worst-performing oil and gas service bonds in the high-yield energy index.

The company plans to use the bankruptcy to cut $1.2 billion in debt and for investors to trade their senior notes for almost 97 percent of Hercules’s equity. In addition, noteholders would also lend the company $450 million to finish building a new oil-drilling rig. Meanwhile, the number of rigs operating in the Gulf of Mexico has fallen by more than half from last year’s high of 63 by August 2015.

Oil and gas and commodities related investments have been recommended by brokers under the assumption that commodities prices would continue to go up. Some experts are saying that if production volume continues to be as high as it currently is and demand growth weak that the return to $100 a barrel is years away.

shutterstock_187697825The investment attorneys with Gana Weinstein LLP continue to report on investor related losses in oil and gas and commodities related investments. Investors may have potential legal remedies due to unsuitable recommendations by their broker to invest in this speculative and volatile area. Navios Maritime Partners (Ticker Symbol: NMM) is a Master Limited Partnership (MLP). Navios Maritime Partners has declined 77.6% in value from its 52-week high and is trading at only $3.18 a share. Navios Maritime Partners business focuses in the dry bulk shipping sector.

About 86% of the total MLP securities market, a $490 billion sector, can be attributed to energy and natural resource companies. According to Bloomberg, many oil companies are in trouble as U.S. high-yield debt issued to junk-rated energy companies grew four-fold to $208 billion. Most of these companies are now struggling to stay afloat with oil prices at $45. Many of these companies relied upon high energy prices in order to sustain their operations. As reported by the Wall Street Journal the drop in oil and energy prices and the industry downturn has made it difficult for many companies to refinance their debts.

However, brokers that have recommended MLPs to investors may have made unsuitable recommendations based upon the yields of these investments rather than the risk to principal. Over the past year MLPs have been hammered due to weaknesses in oil and gas and commodities markets.

shutterstock_112362875The investment attorneys at Gana Weinstein LLP continue to report on investor losses in oil and gas related investments. Our firm is investigating potential securities claims against brokerage firms over sales practices related to the recommendations of oil & gas and commodities products such as exchange traded notes (ETNs), structured notes, private placements, master limited partnerships (MLPs), leveraged ETFs, mutual funds, bonds, and individual stocks.

The fall of Samson Resources Corp. (Samson Resources) has been called a Wall Street blooper by and editorial in the Wall Street Journal. As a background, private equity firm KKR (Stock Symbol NYSE:KKR) announced the purchase of oil and gas producer Samson Investment Company’s onshore US assets in a 2011 deal worth $7.2 billion. The acquisition occurred when oil prices were near $100 per barrel and small independent shale oil producers were being acquired with PE ratios often above 50 but little to no positive cash flow to show that would justify the valuations. Now four years later and Samson Resources, under KKR’s ownership, has filed for bankruptcy and is currently undergoing restructuring. The August 2015 bankruptcy announcement precipitated a drop in KKR’s stock price of nearly 40%.

Billions of dollars from investors pumped into Samson Resources evaporated with the chapter 11 bankruptcy filing. The company’s planned reorganization intends to wipe out the $7.2 billion invested by KKR and others in a 2011 leveraged buyout. The plan would also nearly erase Samson’s $2.25 billion in bond debt held by Blackstone Group. The continued failure of oil price recovery has reduced credit traders’ view of Samson Resource’s prospects for emerging from bankruptcy as a profitable company.

shutterstock_102242143The investment attorneys with Gana Weinstein LLP continue to report on investor related losses in oil and gas and commodities related investments. Investors may have potential legal remedies due to unsuitable recommendations by their broker to invest in this speculative and volatile area. Southcross Energy LP (Ticker Symbol: SXE) is a Master Limited Partnership (MLP). Southcross Energy has declined 76.2% in value from its 52-week high and is trading at only $3.93 a share. Southcross Energy business focuses in the natural gas midstream sector.

About 86% of the total MLP securities market, a $490 billion sector, can be attributed to energy and natural resource companies. According to Bloomberg, many oil companies are in trouble as U.S. high-yield debt issued to junk-rated energy companies grew four-fold to $208 billion. Most of these companies are now struggling to stay afloat with oil prices at $45. Many of these companies relied upon high energy prices in order to sustain their operations. As reported by the Wall Street Journal the drop in oil and energy prices and the industry downturn has made it difficult for many companies to refinance their debts.

However, brokers that have recommended MLPs to investors may have made unsuitable recommendations based upon the yields of these investments rather than the risk to principal. Over the past year MLPs have been hammered due to weaknesses in oil and gas and commodities markets.

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