According to BrokerCheck records financial advisor George Warner (Warner), currently associated with Chelsea Financial Services (Chelsea Financial), has been subject to one customer complaint, one regulatory action, and two terminations for cause. According to records kept by The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), in June 2013, LPL Financial LLC (LPL Financial) terminated Warner for cause alleging that he obtained client signatures on black account transfer forms. Thereafter, Warner was terminated from NFP Advisors Services (NFP Advisors) under similar circumstances. NFP Adviosrs claimed in November 2014 that Warner corrected client documents after the client had signed them.
In April 2017, FINRA sanctioned Warner stated that Warner altered various customer documents on at least five occasions after the documents had already been signed by the customers. FINRA found that Warner corrected or included the customer’s anticipated liquidity needs, net worth, liquid net worth, and/or annual income on new account forms, alternative investment disclosure forms, and an IRA application.
Often times, brokers change client information or have clients sign documents in blank in order to use false information to purchase products that the client is otherwise not qualified to purchase.