Articles Tagged with LEAF Equipment Leasing Income Fund

shutterstock_114128113Our firm has written numerous times about investor losses in programs such as various equipment leasing programs like LEAF Equipment Leasing Income Funds I-IV and ICON Leasing Funds Eleven and Twelve. These direct participation programs, like their non-traded REIT and oil and gas cousins, all suffer from the same crippling flaw that dooms these investments to a high likelihood of failure from the get go. The costs and fees associated with all of these investments cause the security to be so costly that only unprecedented market boom conditions can lead to profitability. Market stagnation or decline makes any significant return a virtual impossibility.

Yet, investors are in no way compensated for these additional risks. These investments tout high yield like returns for risks far in excess of traditional high yield investments. In fact, the only reason brokers sell these products is because of the high sales commissions coupled with the lack of price transparency that allows these products to be displayed at inflated values for years on investor account statements.

In an equipment leasing program a sponsor sells limited partnership units then takes out substantial offering costs and fees and invests the remainder in a pool of equipment leases that are leveraged up with additional borrowing. Brokers market these products as a predictable income stream but in fact, and what nearly all brokers fail to mention, is that a substantial portion of investor distributions are actually a return of their original investment and not actually income generated from operations.

Some investment advisors have touted alternative investments as safe, stable, high return products.  The truth is, these products are often laden with risks that are not disclosed and discussed with clients.  In addition, alternative investments are simply unsuitable for many investors needs.  The sale of these products often generates commissions of between 7-10% of the investment amount.  Thus, there are unscrupulous advisors who have used misleading sales pitches designed to lure investors into putting their hard earned money into these extremely risky and unsuitable investment.

Some alternative investments are sold as private placements in limited partnership vehicles.  These limited partnerships are formed to acquire, operate, and sell assets for the benefit of the partners.  Investors in limited partnerships are entitled to receive distributions of operating cash flow as well as distributions from the sale or financing of assets as outlined in the partnership’s limited partnership agreement.  Unlike stocks and bonds, limited partnerships are not listed on an exchange and are therefore illiquid and reliable pricing information is typically very difficult to obtain.

There is a line of limited partnerships held under LEAF Asset Management, LLC—a limited liability company that acts as general partner for a handful of limited partnership equipment leasing fund investment programs.  LEAF Asset Management, LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Resource America, Inc., a company that specializes in developing investment funds for outside investors and providing asset management services either by contract or by acting as the manager or general partner of its own sponsored investment funds.

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