Articles Tagged with investment advice lawyer

shutterstock_132317306-300x200The attorneys at Gana Weinstein LLP are investigating BrokerCheck records reports that Frank Venturelli has been subject to at least one customer complaint and two regulatory sanctions during his career. According to records kept by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), Venturelli’s customer complaint alleges that Venturelli engaged in unauthorized trading and recommended unsuitable investments. While the two regulatory actions brought against him state that he consented to sanctions of engaging in unsuitable trading in customers’ accounts and committed fraud.

In December 2020, the New Jersey Bureau of Securities initiated disciplinary action against Venturelli. They alleged that Venturelli engaged in an act, practice, or course of business which would operate as fraud or deceit upon another person. BrokerCheck records state that Venturelli engaged in a pattern of excessive, unsuitable, and unauthorized trading activity in the accounts of certain customers. Civil and administrative penalties in the amount of $120,000 were issued against Venturelli’s employer, First Standard Financial Company LLC.

In June 2019, FINRA initiated disciplinary action against Venturelli. They allege that Venturelli engaged in quantitatively unsuitable trading in customers’ accounts. The findings stated that Venturelli recommended the trading in customers’ accounts, and they followed his recommendations. These recommendations were excessive, unsuitable given the customers’ investment profiles, and were such that it was virtually possible for any customers to earn a profit. Venturelli’s trading of the accounts resulted in high turnover rates and significant losses. Venturelli’s customers suffered collective losses of $373,226 and paid $169,803 in commissions and fees. Venturelli neither admits nor denies these findings. As a result, FINRA suspended Venturelli in all capacities for eleven months and issued partial restitution, due to his limited ability to pay, in the amount of $30,000.

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