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shutterstock_20354401The law offices of Gana Weinstein LLP continue to report on investor related losses and potential legal remedies due to unsuitable recommendations to investor in oil and gas and commodities related investments. Emerge Energy LP (Ticker Symbol: EMES) is a Master Limited Partnership (MLP). Emerge Energy has declined 93% in value from its 52-week high and is trading at only $4.71 a share. Emerge Energy business focuses in the Fracking Sand sector.

About 86% of the total MLP securities market, a $490 billion sector, can be attributed to energy and natural resource companies. There are about 130 MLPs trading on major exchanges that focus on energy related industries and natural resources. These companies have sprung up from the need for new energy infrastructure for the production and delivery of natural gas and crude oil from shale reserves.

However, brokers that have recommended MLPs to investors may have made unsuitable recommendations based upon the yields of these investments rather than the risk to principal. Over the past year MLPs have been hammered due to weaknesses in oil and gas and commodities markets.

shutterstock_12144202The investment attorneys at Gana Weinstein LLP are interested in speaking with investors of broker Tomas Velken (Velken). According to the BrokerCheck records kept by Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Velken has been the subject of at least 14 customer complaints. The customer complaints against Velken allege securities law violations that including unsuitable investments, misrepresentations, and breach of fiduciary duty among other claims.  Many of the complaints appear to be in connection with in connection with the sales of tenants-in-common (TICs).

The most recent complaint was filed in September 2015, and alleged $115,000 in losses due to a recommendation to invest in a real estate security transaction purchased in 2007. Another investor in April 2015, claimed $1,777,484 in damages due to a real estate security transactions purchased from 2005 through 2007. In March 2015, another investor alleged that in 2010 the broker made misrepresentations concerning an investment’s performance and claimed damages of $592,600.

As a background, TICs largely been sold unfairly as tax advantaged products that allow customers to defer capital gains taxes on appreciated real estate. TICs are private placements that have no secondary trading market and are therefore illiquid investments. In a typical TIC, the investor receives a fractional interest in the property along with other stakeholders and the profits are generated mostly through the efforts of the sponsor and the management company that manages and leases the property. The sponsor typically structures the TIC investment with up-front fees and expenses charged to the TIC and negotiates the sale price and loan for the acquired property. Because these fees are often higher than 15%, there is often no way for the investment to be profitable for the investor.

shutterstock_66745735The law offices of Gana Weinstein LLP continue to report on investor related losses and potential legal remedies due to unsuitable recommendations to investor in oil and gas and commodities related investments. Breitburn Energy LP (Ticker Symbol: BBEP) is a Master Limited Partnership (MLP). Breitburn Energy has declined 91.1% in value from its 52-week high and is trading at only $.84 a share. Breitburn Energy business focuses in the oil and gas production sector.

About 86% of the total MLP securities market, a $490 billion sector, can be attributed to energy and natural resource companies. While MLPs have the same liquid trading characteristics as common stocks they are very different from typical stock investments. For instance, MLP’s are pass through investment vehicles, that is they pass through the income to the investor without any company level taxation. In addition, while there is no set payout level required to be adhered to by the company, unlike real estate investment trusts (REITs), MLP’s must derive 90% of their revenues from natural resources activities. However, most MLP’s do pay out most of their earnings through distributions causing company growth to come through the issuance of more debt and shares.

However, brokers that have recommended MLPs to investors may have made unsuitable recommendations based upon the yields of these investments rather than the risk to principal. Over the past year MLPs have been hammered due to weaknesses in oil and gas and commodities markets.

shutterstock_185913422The securities attorneys of Gana Weinstein LLP are investigating potential recovery options for investors of Christopher Brogdon’s (Brogdon) nursing home investment scheme who suffered losses as a result of the fraud. Recently, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a complaint against Brogdon and affiliated entities alleging that Brogdon amassed nearly $190 million through dozens of municipal bond and private placement offerings to investors who would earn interest from revenues generated by nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or other retirement community projects. Instead, the SEC found that Brogdon secretly commingled investor funds in typical Ponzi scheme like fashion and diverted investor money to other business ventures and personal expenses.

Investors should be asking how Brogdon could have possibly been allowed to conduct this scheme. The Federal Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has noted in a related action (FINRA No. 2013035130101) against brokerage firm Cantone Research and its majority owner Anthony Cantone that Brogdon had twice been barred from the securities industry. FINRA describes the two Brogdon actions – once for “egregious misconduct” involving unauthorized transactions and the second for a “scheme” involving financial misconduct. In addition, Brogdon had also been indicted for racketeering, theft, and Medicaid fraud, and had been found liable for breaching a stock repurchase guarantee agreement. Furthermore several entities Brogdon controlled had filed for bankruptcy.

These complaints against Brogdon enablers like Cantone are just starting to be filed. The Bank of Oklahoma Financial has also been alleged to be the trustee for many of the Brogdon deals and faces investor scrutiny. The bank has filed its own suit against Brogdon.

shutterstock_25054879The investment attorneys of Gana Weinstein LLP are investigating potential recovery options for investors in the Third Avenue Focused Credit Fund (TFCIX) managed by Third Avenue Management LLC. According to the Wall Street Journal, the mutual fund halted redemptions and announced plans to liquidate effectively freezing investor’s $789 million in investment assets that was supposed to provide mom and pop investors with easy access to their cash. Now investors in the Third Avenue Focused Credit Fund may not receive all their money back for months, if not longer while the fund liquidates.

According to Third Avenue’s Chief Executive David Barse the fund took the unprecedented step of halting redemptions because it needed to act quickly to preserve remaining assets. Third Avenue blamed poor bond-market trading conditions that made it almost impossible to raise sufficient cash to meet redemption demands from investors without a fire sale of remaining assets. As the Third Avenue fund began to collapse traders at hedge funds shorted and bet against the mutual fund’s holdings adding pressure to Third Avenue’s investor withdrawals and forcing the sale its holdings.  The fund was down 27% this year through mid-December.

As regulators and industry analysts conduct the postmortem on the fund, it appears that a large part of the reason the Third Avenue fund ran into deep problems is because it purchased illiquid and difficult to trade investments that have been steadily losing value as investors fled energy and other kinds of riskier debt. According to Reuters, the fund, when compared with other junk bond funds, carried an elevated amount of risk. For instance the fund disclosed that 20 percent of the assets it carried were hard to value and trade. This amount was higher than any other U.S. junk bond fund with at least $500 million in assets.

shutterstock_143179897The securities attorneys of Gana Weinstein LLP are investigating potential recovery options for investors of Samuel DelPresto (DelPresto) who suffered investment losses as a result of fraud. Recently, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed an amended complaint. The SEC’s complaint, charged DelPresto, MLF Group, LLC (MLF), and Donald Toomer, Jr. (Toomer) with allegations of engaging in a series of fraudulent schemes designed to manipulate the market price of and demand for the stocks of BioNeutral Group, Inc. (BONU); NXT Nutritionals Holdings, Inc. (NXTH); Mesa Energy Holdings, Inc, (MSEH); and ClearLite Holdings, Inc. (CLRH). The fraudulent schemes allegedly generated profits of approximately $13 million for DelPresto.

The SEC alleged that each scheme followed a similar pattern whereby DelPresto and a business partner identified only as “Individual A” used a private company in need of financing to orchestrate a reverse merger of it and a shell company that DelPresto and Individual A controlled. Once the reverse merger was consummated, the SEC alleged that DelPresto and Individual A engaged in manipulative trading, paid for promotional campaigns, and otherwise engineered an attractive and rising stock price. The SEC alleged that once the stock price reached high levels then DelPresto and Individual A sold their stock at the expense of investors.

In order to carry out their scheme, the SEC alleged that DelPresto, Individual A, and others deposited shares in brokerage accounts with a registered broker referred to as the “Trader”. The SEC found that the Trader, DelPresto, Individual A, and others then engaged in a pattern of matched trading between and amongst brokerage accounts that they controlled.

shutterstock_189276023The investment lawyers of Gana Weinstein LLP are investigating customer complaints against broker Brandon Gioffre (Gioffre). There are at least 3 customer complaints against Gioffre. In addition, there is one employment separations disclosed. The most recent customer complaint alleged that three individuals sent a letter to the firm on July 15, 2015 alleging that Gioffre, acting on behalf of the firm, solicited investments in TMG Energy Systems and they suffered damages of $881,657 through the investments. According to Constellation Wealth Advisors LLC (Constellation Wealth Advisors), the firm neither offered the investment nor approved of the private securities transaction or outside business activity engaged in by Gioffre.  The conduct allegedly engaged in by Gioffre is also referred to as “selling away” in the industry.

Gioffre entered the securities industry in 1998. Between June 2009 and June 2014, Gioffre was associated with Morgan Stanley. From July 2014 until August 2015, Gioffre was associated with brokerage firm Constellation Wealth Advisors until he was discharged from the firm.

In the industry the term selling away refers to when a financial advisor solicits investments in companies, promissory notes, or other securities that are not pre-approved by the broker’s affiliated firm. However, even though when these incidents occur the brokerage firm claims ignorance of their advisor’s activities the firm is obligated under the FINRA rules to properly monitor and supervise its employees in order to detect and prevent brokers from offering investments in this fashion. In order to properly supervise their brokers each firm is required to have procedures in order to monitor the activities of each advisor’s activities and interaction with the public. Selling away misconduct often occurs where brokerage firms either fail to put in place a reasonable supervisory system or fail to actually implement that system. Supervisory failures allow brokers to engage in unsupervised misconduct that can include all manner improper conduct including selling away.

shutterstock_186180719The investment lawyers of Gana Weinstein LLP are investigating customer complaints against broker Michael Child (Child). There are at least 2 customer complaints against Child. In addition, there is one regulatory complaint and three employment separations disclosed. The customer complaints against Child allege a number of securities law violations including that the broker made unsuitable investments, misrepresentations, negligence, and unauthorized trading among other claims. One of the claims involves allegations around the recommendation of a variable annuity.

The regulatory action was initiated by the state of Utah in March 2012 and alleged that certain information on a suitability form was not current resulting in a fine and a 12 month probation. In 2008, Child’s brokerage firm, GunnAllen Financial, Inc. alleged that Child allowed a statutorily disqualified person to represent himself as being associated with the branch office.

Child entered the securities industry in March 1998. Since March 2008, Child has been registered with H. Beck, Inc. out of the firm’s Salt Lake City, Utah office location.

shutterstock_168478292Atlas Energy Group (NYSE:ATLS) is the general partner of Atlas Resource Partners (NYSE:ARP), a sponsor of oil and gas private placements and investments.   The investment attorneys at Gana Weinstein LLP continue to report on investor losses in oil and gas related investments, like Atlas.

Atlas Energy Group and Atlas Resource Partners stock have both completely collapsed recently with both losing over 95% of their value over the past 2 years. Trying to unravel the business of the Atlas entities is nearly impossible. Even Atlas’ website fails to provide any meaningful understanding as to the business.

The website states that the business of Atlas Energy involves the ownership of: 1) 100% general partner interest and incentive distribution rights of Atlas Resource Partners, LP an exploration and production MLP; 2) 25 million ARP units, which includes ~21 million common units and 3.75 million Class C Preferred units in ARP; 3) 80% general partner interest and incentive distribution rights, as well as an 8% limited partner interest in Atlas Energy’s E&P Development Subsidiary; 4) 16% general partner interest and 12% limited partner interest in Lightfoot Capital Partners, which has a 40% limited partner interest in Arc Logistics Partners LP (NYSE: ARCX), an independent U.S.-based energy logistics service provider. Did this description clarify things?

shutterstock_82649419The law offices of Gana Weinstein LLP continue to report on investor related losses and potential legal remedies due to recommendations to investor in oil and gas and commodities related investments. One gold fund in particular that appears to have taken outsized risks that is now suffering massive losses is the Van Eck Intl Investors Gold Fund (INIVX) (the Van Eck Gold Fund). According to public records, over the past 5 years the fund has declined by an astonishing 77% while the Dow Jones industrial average has increased by over 50%.

There are several forces that have led to the decline of the Van Eck Gold Fund. The Van Eck Gold Fund invests primarily in gold related mining companies. One source of decline is the fall in the value of gold. However, in addition to the decline in gold is the fact that, according to MorningStar reseach, the Van Eck Gold Fund invested heavily in small to mid sized miners. Due to the downturn, small and mid sized miners would likely be less financially stable to withstand changes in the price of gold.

Before recommending investments in oil and gas and commodities related investments, brokers and advisors must ensure that the investment is appropriate for the investor and conduct due diligence on the company in order to understand the risks and prospects of the company. Oil and gas and commodities related investments have been recommended by brokers under the assumption that commodities prices would continue to go up. However, brokers who sell oil and gas and commodities products are obligated to understand the risks of these investments and convey them to clients.

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