Jonathan G. Sorensen Barred Financial Industry Over Alleged Misuse of Customer Funds

Jonathan G. Sorensen (Sorensen) has been barred by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) after he failed to respond to the agency’s inquiries concerning an investigation concerning the possible misuse of customer funds in his management of limited partnership investment fund.

Sorensen first became registered with FINRA on September 9, 2005.  Since that time he was registered until April 4, 2013, with Coker & Palmer, Inc. (Coker & Palmer).  According to public records, Sorensen is also a managing member of Higher Standard Insurance and Faith Terrace Holdings, LLC, a purported real estate company.

On April 5, 2013, FINRA staff requested that Sorensen appear for an interview on April 12, 2013.  The agency sought information from Sorensen as part of an investigation into his management of a limited partnership investment fund while associated with Coker & Palmer.  It was alleged that Sorensen had converted or misused investor funds and falsified documents in connection with his management of the partnership fund.

Sorensen failed to appear for the interview and subsequently advised FINRA that he would not appear for interviews.  Consequently, Sorensen has been barred from the financial industry.

Limited liability partnerships are a common device used by brokers to sell investors unregistered securities and to commit fraud.  The attorneys at Gana Weinstein LLP are experienced in investigating claims of financial fraud.  Our attorneys can help you detect and uncover suspicious activity in your accounts.  Our consultations are free of charge and the firm is only compensated if you recover.

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