Gana LLP Investigates Icon Leasing Fund Eleven and Twelve

The attorneys at Gana Weinstein LLP are currently investigating Icon Leasing Fund Eleven and Twelve on behalf of investors who suffered losses as a result of the unsuitable recommendation of these funds. The attorneys at Gana Weinstein LLP have filed arbitrations against broker dealers that have sold these illiquid investments to their clients. Both NFP Securities, Inc. and WFG Investments Inc. have been know to sell the Icon Funds to their clients.

Allegedly, many advisors who sold the Icon investments failed to adequately explain that the funds operated as an equipment leasing program. Given the nature of the Icon Funds, in which capital is consolidated for the purchase and leasing of equipment, made the fund illiquid.

According to recent filings in securities arbitrations, during the offering period, the funds paid healthy distributions. However, not long after the funds were closed to new investors, the value of the Icon Funds began to decline and dividend payments became sporadic. By the end of 2012, Icon Leasing Fund 12 lost 53% of its value. For the same time period, Icon Leasing Fund 11 suffered an 84% decline in value. Furthermore, it has been alleged that the Icon Funds did not properly disclose that the distributions included return of original principal and that the fees were extraordinarily high.

Under the SEC and FINRA rules, broker-dealers have a responsibility to disclose all the risks of a recommended investment and the recommendation must be both suitable and appropriate for the investor. Suitability requires a detailed analysis of the investor’s age, risk tolerance, investment objective and ability to withstand the lose financially. The Icon Investments carried high commissions and therefore were attractive opportunities to many broker dealers. In the case of the Icon Leasing Funds, SEC filings suggest that up to 18% of the investment was used to pay expenses, commissions, and fees.

If you received an unsuitable recommendation of Icon Leasing Fund Eleven and/or Icon Leasing Fund Twelve, you may be able to recover your losses in FINRA arbitration. To find out more about your legal rights and options, contact a securities arbitration lawyers at Gana Weinstein LLP. You can contact Adam Gana directly at 212.776.4251 or by email at To learn more about private placements you can visit our website.


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