Articles Posted in unauthorized trading attorney


Summit Brokerage Broker Jeffrey Poosch Subject to a Complaint Over Unauthorized Trading

The law offices of Gana Weinstein LLP are currently investigating claims against broker Jeffrey Poosch (Poosch), currently associated with Summit Brokerage Services, Inc. (Summit Brokerage) out of Fort Gratiot, Michigan.  According to a BrokerCheck report, Poosch has been subject to at least four customer disputes during the course of his…


Advisor Joseph Yanofsky Sanctioned Over Unauthorized Trading

According to BrokerCheck records financial advisor Joseph Yanofsky (Yanofsky), currently associated with First Financial Equity Corporation (First Financial), has been subject to eight customer complaints, one regulatory action, and one employment separation for cause.  According to records kept by The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Yanofsky has been accused by…

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