Articles Posted in in-and-out trading


Broker James Tallant Suspended Over Allegations of Excessive Trading and Quantitative Unsuitable Investments

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) suspended broker James Glenn Tallant (Tallant) for three months and fined him $15,000 including the disgorgement of $8,560.44 in commissions.  FINRA alleged that Tallant exercised discretionary trading authority without written authorization in four securities accounts in violation of NASD Conduct Rule 2510(b) and FINRA…


What is Churning?

“Churning” is essentially investment trading activity that serves little useful purpose or is inconsistent with the investor’s objectives and is conducted solely to generate commissions for the broker.  Churning is also a type of securities fraud. Recently, the National Adjudicatory Council (“NAC”) provided a detailed description of the elements and…

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