Our securities fraud attorneys are investigating customer complaints filed with The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) against Douglas Studer (Studer) formerly associated with Kovack Securities Inc. (Kovack) alleging unauthorized trading among other claims. According to brokercheck records Studer has been subject to two customer complaints, one bankruptcy in 2010, and…
Articles Posted in Conflict of Interest
Massachusetts Files Complaint Against Morgan Stanley Alleging Unfair Sales Contests to Sell Securities Backed Loans
Our firm has previously reported on the growing trend of brokerage firms recommending non-purpose loans secured by their brokerage accounts to clients. See Investors Risk Big Losses with Loans Secured by Securities Collateral Accounts. Recently, the state of Massachusetts charged Morgan Stanley with conducting unethical – high-pressure – sales contests…
Investors Risk Big Losses with Loans Secured by Securities Collateral Accounts
The investment attorneys of Gana Weinstein LLP have been contacted by a growing number of investors who hold non-purpose loans secured by their brokerage accounts and then suffered staggering investment losses that have jeopardized their ability to repay the loan. In recent years all the major wire houses have begun…
FINRA Files Complaint Against Gopi Vungarala and Purshe Kaplan Sterling Over Fraudulent Commission Charges
The securities lawyers of Gana Weinstein LLP are investigating a complaint filed by The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) against broker Gopi Krishna Vungarala (Vungarala) and his brokerage firm Purshe Kaplan Sterling Investments (Purshe Kaplan). FINRA alleged that from at least June 2011 through January 2015, Vungarala regularly lied to…
SEC Claims Advisory Firm Atlantic Asset Management Hid Conflicts of Interests From Clients
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced fraud charges against a Stamford, Connecticut based investment advisory firm Atlantic Asset Management LLC (AAM) and accused the firm of investing clients in certain Native American tribal corporation bonds with a hidden financial benefit to a broker-dealer affiliated with the firm. The SEC…
SEC Brings Fraud Charges Against Broker Lee Weiss Over FEP Fund I and Catamaran Fund Investments
The Securities and Exchange Commission announced fraud charges against a registered investment adviser and its owner on allegations of self-dealing and failing to disclose material facts to clients including conflicts of interest, use of investor funds, and the risks of the investments they recommended. The complaint filed in U.S. District…
Gana LLP Investigates Investor Losses In Star Scientific / Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals (RCPI)
The law offices of Gana Weinstein LLP are investigating investor losses in Star Scientific, Inc. / Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals (Star Scientific) on the heels of a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) investigation into alleged false and misleading research reports issued by Oits Bradley (Bradley) presumably made about the company. Although…
FINRA Fines 10 Brokerage Firms $43.5 Million For Conflicts of Interests in Toys “R” Us IPO
The merry go-round of Wall Street fraud continues. After the housing crisis where Wall Street sold terrible home loans to investors we’ve arrived back to dot.com era frauds of selling favorable research. Enter the recent fine imposed by The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) that 10 of the largest brokerage…
LPL Financial Fires Texas Broker James “Jeb” Bashaw
Gana Weinstein LLP is investigating LPL Financial after its stunning termination of James “Jeb” Bashaw, a former broker with LPL Financial. According to FINRA’s BrokerCheck Report, LPL Financial terminated Mr. Bashaw for “participating in private securities transactions without providing written disclosure to and obtaining written approval from the firm.” In addition,…
FINRA Addresses Conflicts of Interest In the Sales of Securities
In the securities industry conflicts of interest can arise where a duty of care or trust exists between two or more parties. While the existence of a conflict does not always mean that one party will be harmed by the other party’s interest, brokerage firms have been involved in many…